16 Preface لا تُحَرِّك بِهِ لِسانَكَ لِتَعجَلَ بِهِYusuf AliMove not thy tongue concerning the (Qur-ān) to make haste therewith.1Cf. 20. 114, and n. 2639: “Be not in haste with the Qur-ān before its revelation to thee is completed.” S. 75. is an earlier revelation, and the shade of meaning is slightly different. The immediate meaning was that the Prophet was to allow the revelation conveyed to him to sink into his mind and heart and not to be impatient about it; God would certainly complete it according to His Plan, and see that it was collected and preserved for men, and not lost; that the inspired one was to follow it and recite it as the inspiration was conveyed to him; and that it carries its own explanation according to the faculties bestowed by God on man. The general meaning follows the same lines; we must not be impatient about the inspired Word; we must follow it as made clear to us by the faculties given to us by God.