4 Preface أَو زِد عَلَيهِ وَرَتِّلِ القُرآنَ تَرتيلًاYusuf AliOr a little more; and recite the Qur-ān1 in slow, measured rhythmic tones.At this time there was only S. 96, S. 68, and possibly S. 74, and the opening Sūra (Al Hamd); but the heart of the Messenger had received enlightenment, and that Light was gradually finding expression in the verse of the Qur-ān. For us, now, with the whole of the Qur-ān before us, the injunction is specially necessary. The words of the Qur-ān must not be read hastily, merely to get through so much reading. They must be studied, and their deep meaning pondered over. They are themselves so beautiful that they must be lovingly pronounced in tones of rhythmic music.