65قُل لا يَعلَمُ مَن فِي السَّماواتِ وَالأَرضِ الغَيبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ ۚ وَما يَشعُرونَ أَيّانَ يُبعَثونَMuhammad AsadSay: "None in the heavens or on earth knows the hidden reality [of anything that exists: none knows it] save God."1 And neither can they [who are living] perceive when they shall be raised from the dead:In this context, the term al-ghayb - rendered by me here as "the hidden reality" - apparently relates to the "how" of God's Being, the ultimate reality underlying the observable aspects of the universe, and the meaning and purpose inherent in its creation. My repetition, within brackets, of the words "none knows it", i.e., save God, is necessitated by the fact that He is infinite, unlimited as to space, and cannot, therefore, be included among the beings "in the heavens or on earth", who have all been created by Him.