95قالَ ما مَكَّنّي فيهِ رَبّي خَيرٌ فَأَعينوني بِقُوَّةٍ أَجعَل بَينَكُم وَبَينَهُم رَدمًاMuhammad AsadHe answered: "That wherein my Sustainer has so securely established me is better [than anything that you could give me];1 hence, do but help me with [your labour's] strength, [and] I shall erect a rampart between you and them!It is generally assumed that the phrase "that wherein my Sustainer has so securely established me (makkanni)" refers to the power and wealth bestowed on him; but it is much more probable - and certainly more consistent with the ethical tenor of the whole parable of Dhu'l-Qarnayn - that it refers to God's guidance rather than to worldly possessions.