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Sura 18
Aya 94
قالوا يا ذَا القَرنَينِ إِنَّ يَأجوجَ وَمَأجوجَ مُفسِدونَ فِي الأَرضِ فَهَل نَجعَلُ لَكَ خَرجًا عَلىٰ أَن تَجعَلَ بَينَنا وَبَينَهُم سَدًّا

Muhammad Asad

They said: "O thou Two-Horned One! Behold, Gog and Magog1 are spoiling this land. May we, then,pay unto thee a tribute on the understanding that thou wilt erect a barrier between us and them?"
  • This is the form in which these names (in Arabic, Yajuj and Majuj) have achieved currency in all European languages on the basis of certain vague references to them in the Bible (Genesis x, 2, I Chronicles i, 5, Ezekiel xxxviii, 2 and xxxix, 6, Revelation of St. John xx, 8). Most of the post-classical commentators identify these tribes with the Mongols and Tatars (see note 100 below).