71وَامرَأَتُهُ قائِمَةٌ فَضَحِكَت فَبَشَّرناها بِإِسحاقَ وَمِن وَراءِ إِسحاقَ يَعقوبَMuhammad AsadAnd his wife, standing [nearby], laughed [with happiness]1; whereupon We gave her the glad tiding of [the birth of] Isaac and, after Isaac, of [his son] Jacob.I.e., on realizing that the strangers were God's messengers, and that she and Abraham had nothing to fear from them (Zamakhshari): hence the interpolation of the words "with happiness". This differs from the Biblical statement (Genesis xviii, 12-15), according to which Sarah "laughed within herself" at the announcement that she, an old woman, would give birth to a son: for in the above Qur'anic passage this announcement comes after the statement that she laughed, and is introduced by the conjunctive particle fa, which in this context denotes "and thereupon" or "whereupon".