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Sura 94
Aya 1

Chapter 94

Openingal-Sharḥ ( الشرح )

8 verses • revealed at Meccan

»The surah that opens with a reassurance to the Prophet Muḥammad that his divine appointment to receive God’s revelation has been nothing less than the Opening of the breast to sacred wisdom and guidance, and that thereby he has been honoured for all time, made well-able to bear the mantle of prophethood, and that ultimately and inevitably he shall be eased unto success. It is named “opening” after the phrase “did We not open” (a lam nashraḥ) in verse 1. The surah is a continuation of the reassurance and encouragement given in the previous surah.«

The surah is also known as Broadened Breast, Comfort, Consolation, Relief, The Expanding, The Expansion, The Opening Up, The Opening of The Heart, The Opening-Up of the Heart

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

: V mene Boha milostivého, v moci ktorého je milosť

أَلَم نَشرَح لَكَ صَدرَكَ

A či sme ti (Muhammad) neuvoľnili hruď tvoju (a svetlom múdrosti nenaplnili, aby si prijal vnuknutie Bohom zoslané a mal trpezlivosť a silu znášať ubližovanie a ťažkostí ľudí) ?1
  • Zvestovanie a vnukanie Koránu poslovi a prorokovi Muhammadovi (p.) prostredníctvom anjela Gabriela bolo pre posla Muhammada veľmi obtiažne a vyčerpávajúce. Veď sám Boh, nad ktorým vyššieho niet, v Koráne hovorí: „Keby sme zoslali dole tento Korán na horu, uvidel by si ju pokornú, popraskanú od strachu pred Bohom“ verš 59:21.