Forbidden unto you are carrion and blood, flesh of swine and flesh of the animal found strangled and the slaughtered under the invocation of a name other than Allah’s Name, flesh of an animal beaten to death and the one that died by a fall, the gored to death and the victim to a carnivore unless it be slaughtered in time, and the flesh of the animal sacrificed on the altars –idolism-. And you are forbidden to divide meat among you by divination and raffling by arrows, this is indeed impiety. This day have the infidels lost hope of alienating you from Allah’s purpose and divine principles, Therefore, do not fear them but fear Me. Today have I complemented for you your religion and made all grace abound in you. And I have chosen for you Islam as the acceptable system of faith and worship But he who is forced, by reason of hunger and want of lawful food, to eat of the forbidden, and not by willful transgression of Allah’s commandments nor does disobedience reside in the intention, shall find Allah Ghafurun (Forgiving) and Rahimun (Merciful).