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Sura 46
Aya 26
وَلَقَد مَكَّنّاهُم فيما إِن مَكَّنّاكُم فيهِ وَجَعَلنا لَهُم سَمعًا وَأَبصارًا وَأَفئِدَةً فَما أَغنىٰ عَنهُم سَمعُهُم وَلا أَبصارُهُم وَلا أَفئِدَتُهُم مِن شَيءٍ إِذ كانوا يَجحَدونَ بِآياتِ اللَّهِ وَحاقَ بِهِم ما كانوا بِهِ يَستَهزِئونَ

Shabbir Ahmed

And verily, We had established them in the land better than We ever established you, and We had given them keen faculties of hearing, sight and intellect. But of no avail to them were there hearing and sight and intellect when they went on knowingly rejecting Allah's Messages. And so, the very thing they used to mock at surrounded them. ('Fuad', plural 'Afidah', includes the faculties of intellect, reasoning, insight and feelings (45:23)).