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Sura 33
Aya 60
۞ لَئِن لَم يَنتَهِ المُنافِقونَ وَالَّذينَ في قُلوبِهِم مَرَضٌ وَالمُرجِفونَ فِي المَدينَةِ لَنُغرِيَنَّكَ بِهِم ثُمَّ لا يُجاوِرونَكَ فيها إِلّا قَليلًا

Talal Itani

If the hypocrites, and those with sickness in their hearts, and the rumormongers in the City, do not desist, We will incite you against them; then they will not be your neighbors there except for a short while.