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Sura 27
Aya 19
فَتَبَسَّمَ ضاحِكًا مِن قَولِها وَقالَ رَبِّ أَوزِعني أَن أَشكُرَ نِعمَتَكَ الَّتي أَنعَمتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلىٰ والِدَيَّ وَأَن أَعمَلَ صالِحًا تَرضاهُ وَأَدخِلني بِرَحمَتِكَ في عِبادِكَ الصّالِحينَ


So he (Sulaiman [Solomon]) smiled, feeling amused at the ant’s words, and submitted: ‘O Lord, keep me by Your bestowal firm on it that I remain ever-thankful for Your favour which You have conferred on me and on my parents, and I do such pious deeds as You are pleased with, and admit me by Your mercy among your pious slaves enjoying exceptional nearness to You.’