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Sura 24
Aya 33
وَليَستَعفِفِ الَّذينَ لا يَجِدونَ نِكاحًا حَتّىٰ يُغنِيَهُمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضلِهِ ۗ وَالَّذينَ يَبتَغونَ الكِتابَ مِمّا مَلَكَت أَيمانُكُم فَكاتِبوهُم إِن عَلِمتُم فيهِم خَيرًا ۖ وَآتوهُم مِن مالِ اللَّهِ الَّذي آتاكُم ۚ وَلا تُكرِهوا فَتَياتِكُم عَلَى البِغاءِ إِن أَرَدنَ تَحَصُّنًا لِتَبتَغوا عَرَضَ الحَياةِ الدُّنيا ۚ وَمَن يُكرِههُنَّ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ مِن بَعدِ إِكراهِهِنَّ غَفورٌ رَحيمٌ

E. H. Palmer

And let those who cannot find a match, until God enriches them of His grace, keep chaste. And such of those whom your right hands possess as crave a writing, write it for them, if ye know any good in them, and give them of the wealth of God which He has given you. And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, if they desire to keep continent, in order to crave the goods of the life of this world; but he who does compel them, then, verily, God after they are compelled is forgiving, compassionate.