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Sura 14
Aya 41
رَبَّنَا اغفِر لي وَلِوالِدَيَّ وَلِلمُؤمِنينَ يَومَ يَقومُ الحِسابُ

Yusuf Ali

“O our Lord!1 cover (us)2 with Thy Forgiveness - me, My parents,3 and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!4
  • Read again n. 1912 above. Having prayed for his progeny, Abraham now prays for God’s Grace on himself, his parents, and the whole Brotherhood of Faith, irrespective of family or race or time, to be perfected in the ideal of Islam.
  • For the shades of meaning in the different words for forgiveness, see n. 110 to 2:109.
  • My parents. Abraham’s father was an idolater (43:26; 6:74). Not only that, but he persecuted the Faith of Unity and threatened Abraham with stoning and exile (19:46); and he and his people cast him into the Fire to be burned (21:52, 68). Yet Abraham’s heart was tender, and he prayed for forgiveness for his father because of a promise which he made (9:114), though he renounced the land of his fathers (Chaldea).
  • At the final Reckoning, all that may seem inequality or injustice in this world will be redressed. But the merits of the best of us will need God’s Grace to establish us in that lasting felicity which is promised to the righteous. And Abraham, as the father of Prophecy, prayed for all-for the Universal Faith perfected in Islam.