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Sura 12
Aya 109
وَما أَرسَلنا مِن قَبلِكَ إِلّا رِجالًا نوحي إِلَيهِم مِن أَهلِ القُرىٰ ۗ أَفَلَم يَسيروا فِي الأَرضِ فَيَنظُروا كَيفَ كانَ عاقِبَةُ الَّذينَ مِن قَبلِهِم ۗ وَلَدارُ الآخِرَةِ خَيرٌ لِلَّذينَ اتَّقَوا ۗ أَفَلا تَعقِلونَ

Faridul Haque

And all the Noble Messengers We sent before you, were exclusively men – towards whom We sent the divine revelations, and were dwellers of townships; so have not these people travelled in the land and seen what sort of fate befell those before them? And undoubtedly the abode of the Hereafter is better for the pious; so do you not have sense?