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Sura 102
Aya 8
ثُمَّ لَتُسأَلُنَّ يَومَئِذٍ عَنِ النَّعيمِ

Mir Ahmed Ali

Then1 shall ye be questioned on that day, about the bounties (ye enjoined).
  • Man will be questioned about the bounties of God which had been granted to him.
    Some commentators say that man will have to account for everything which he was given in this world. It is reported to have been told by the Holy Prophet that man will not be asked about: (1) The garments he used to cover his shame, (2) The food he took in hunger and (3) What he spent on the way of the Lord.
    The Eighth Holy Imam Ali-ibne-Musa Ar-Riza told a man that “a man does not like burdening anyone with any obligation about what is gifted to him, how could God ask for everything. He has Himself granted out of His grace. But what God will ask man to account for, is about the belief in Him and the belief in the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet and the Ahlul-Bait. Shafayi reports in his work ‘Hayatul Hayawan’ saying that Abu Hanifa said that once when he was in Mina (for the pilgrimage) the barber who sat to give him a shave, wanted him first to turn the right side of his head, turn to the direction of the Holy Ka’ba and say ‘Bismillah’, i.e., In the name of God.” Abu Hanifa said that he learnt the doctrines from the barber for the first time in his life. On being asked his identity, the barber said that he was the slave of the Sixth Holy Imam Jafer ibne Muhammad As-Sadiq. Abu Hanifa wanted to know the residence of the Holy Imam but was not given admittance into his audience. When some Kufees got the admittance, he got in, joining the Kuffees and while talking to the Holy Imam, said ‘O’ Son of the Holy Prophet (every Holy Imam was known and addressed as the son of the Holy Prophet) why lost thou not send some one on thy behalf to Kufa where a multitude of the people abuse the companions, of the Holy Prophet? The Holy Imam replied “The people would not listen to me.” Abu Hanifa in a wonder asked “What? to thee, the son of the Holy Prophet, the people would not listen?” The Holy Imam said “One of them is thyself” I had not permitted thee and yet thou hast entered the house and I hear that thou doth decide matters based upon thine own gestures.” Abu Hanifa accepted and said “Yes, I do guess in matters of doubt and decide about them as I guess to be right.” The Holy Imam replied “Woe unto thee O’ No’man (that was the name of Abu Hanifa) the first one to guess was ‘Iblees’ the Satan who defying the Lord’s command to pay obeisance to Adam, had said Thou didst create me with Fire and Adam with Clay,” and did not carry out the Lord’s command.” Saying this the Holy Imam continued “Tell me O’ No’man which of the two is graver and more serious. Murder or adultery?” Abu Hanifa said “Murder.” ‘Then’ said the Holy Imam “Why did God’s law demand two witnesses to prove Murder and four for Adultery?” Has your guessing any reason for this?” Abu Hanifa said “No.” The Holy Imam continued “Which of the two is greater or superior “Salat” (prayer) or fasting.” Abu Hanifa said “Salat,” i.e., prayer “Then said the Holy Imam “why has it been demanded of a woman under her monthly course to overtake the number of fast left over during her unclean stale, when she gets cleansed and not the prayers—Can thou guess the reason?” Abu Hanifa said “No.” Then asked the Holy Imam “O’ No’man who is weaker, man or a woman?” Abu Hanifa said “Woman.” ‘Then’ said the Holy Imam “why has God allotted two shares to man, and to woman only one? has thy guessing any reason. Abu Hanifa said “No.” The Holy Imam continued “I hear O' No’man that thou doth interpret the Holy Qur’an by your guess Abu Hanifa said “Yes.” Then said the Holy Imam, “Tell me if by the verse (this verse) what is meant providing one with cold water in a hot season with some delicious food? Abu-Hanifa ‘Yes’ The Holy Imam continued “Tell me if a man entertains thee with some good food and good drink and thereafter places an obligation on thee, what would thou think of such a man?” Abu Hanifa said: “I would call him a niggard, a miser.” Then asked the Holy Imam “Thinkest thou God to he niggard or a miser to question about the food granted to man when such a conduct men do hate?” Abu Hanifa asked “Then what doth thou thinkest O’ son of the Holy Prophet?" The Holy Imam said "O’ No’man! God would question men about their faith in Him, their acceptance of the Holy Prophet and their obedience to we, the Ahlul-Bait.” (M.S.) Questioning mankind about these three matters comprehends the accounting about every thing man did feel and act whether what was thought and acted, was within the limits of the sanction of God, His apostle through whom God’s will was conveyed to man and the Ahlul-Bait the Holy Imams, who were the only authentic and the divinely commissioned interpreters of the Word of God.