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Sura 10
Aya 88
وَقالَ موسىٰ رَبَّنا إِنَّكَ آتَيتَ فِرعَونَ وَمَلَأَهُ زينَةً وَأَموالًا فِي الحَياةِ الدُّنيا رَبَّنا لِيُضِلّوا عَن سَبيلِكَ ۖ رَبَّنَا اطمِس عَلىٰ أَموالِهِم وَاشدُد عَلىٰ قُلوبِهِم فَلا يُؤمِنوا حَتّىٰ يَرَوُا العَذابَ الأَليمَ

Zafar Ansari

Moses prayed: 'Our Lord! You bestowed upon Pharaoh and his nobles splendour and riches in the world. Our Lord! Have You done this that they may lead people astray from Your path? Our Lord! Obliterate their riches and harden their hearts that they may not believe until they observe the painful chastisement.