1وَالشَّمسِ وَضُحاهاMir Ahmed AliBy1 the sun and his radiation!In the verses 1-7 the solemn appeal is made to the reflective faculty mankind has been endowed with. Each one of the objects in whose name the swearing is done, if studied intelligently is one of the manifestations of God’s might and wisdom which none else besides Him could ever he imagined to effect. The sun even to this day with the boasting of the human intellect about the progress it has made, is a mystery. None could ever even presume definitely what the matter is that burns to continuously for all the unknown millions of years of its age. The sun with its natural properties and the influence it has over the other heavenly bodies and the blessing it is, to the earth, nothing but a mystery which has proved itself insolvable for man. Some commentators interpret saying the mystic aspect of the mention of the sun in this verse and the moon in the next, is that the sun stands for the Holy Prophet and the moon for Ali, who, succeeded him as the First Holy Imam spreading the light of the truth as it emanated from the Holy Prophet. (MS.)