126أَوَلا يَرَونَ أَنَّهُم يُفتَنونَ في كُلِّ عامٍ مَرَّةً أَو مَرَّتَينِ ثُمَّ لا يَتوبونَ وَلا هُم يَذَّكَّرونَMuhammad AsadAre they, then, not aware that they are being tested year-in, year-out?1 And yet, they do not repent and do not bethink themselves [of God];Lit., "every year once or twice" - a figure of speech denoting continuity (Manor XI, 83 f.). The "test" consists in the fact that man has been endowed with reason and, therefore, with the ability to choose between right and wrong.