125وَأَمَّا الَّذينَ في قُلوبِهِم مَرَضٌ فَزادَتهُم رِجسًا إِلىٰ رِجسِهِم وَماتوا وَهُم كافِرونَMuhammad AsadBut as for those in whose hearts is disease, each new message but adds another [element of] disbelief to the disbelief which they already harbour,1 and they die while [still] refusing to acknowledge the truth.Lit., "it but adds [another] loathsome evil to their loathsome evil" - i.e., makes them more stubborn in their denying the truth of God's messages because they are a priori determined to deny everything that is incompatible with their refusal to admit the existence of anything that is beyond the reach of human perception (al-ghayb - see surah 2, note 3).