7 Preface يوفونَ بِالنَّذرِ وَيَخافونَ يَومًا كانَ شَرُّهُ مُستَطيرًاYusuf AliThey1 perform (their) vows,2 and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide.3They: i.e., the Righteous: they are known in the present life by the virtues symbolically described in verses 7-10, and in the life of the Hereafter they will enjoy the Bliss symbolically described in verses 11-22.Cf. 22:29. The vows must be vows of spiritual service, which of course includes service to humanity, such as is mentioned in the next verse. They are Devotees of God, and they must perform all vows and contracts (5:1 and n. 682). Vows of the Pagan sort, savouring of a sort of “bribe” to the Deity, are not approved.That is, they prepare for the Judgment to come, where the effects of Sin will not be transitory but far-reaching.