28 Preface نَحنُ خَلَقناهُم وَشَدَدنا أَسرَهُم ۖ وَإِذا شِئنا بَدَّلنا أَمثالَهُم تَبديلًاYusuf AliIt is We Who created them, and We have made their joints strong;1 but, when We will, We can substitute the like of them2 by a complete change.God has not only created men, but “made their joints strong”, i.e., given them the power and strength to withstand the temptations of Evil and stand firmly in the Padi of Right.If, in spite of God’s loving care, any particular men or group of men, misuse their powers or wilfully disobey God’s Law, God will set them aside, and substitute others in their place, with like powers. God’s gifts are free, but let no one think that he can monopolise them or misuse them without being called to answer for the trust. And the man of God must not be discouraged by the whole world being at some moment completely against him. God can in a moment make a complete change. Either the same men that fought against him will be his zealous adherents, or another generation will spring up, which will carry the flag of Righteousness to victory. God’s Will and Plan work in their own good time.