Verily, (O Prophet), your Lord knows that you stand up (to prayer) a little less than two-thirds of the night, or half the night, or a third of the night, and so do some of those with you. And Allah measures the night and day in proper parts. He knows that you are not able to keep praying the whole night. So He has turned to you (in His Mercy), therefore you read the Quran as much as it may be easy for you. He knows that there may be (some) among you that are sick; Others traveling through the land, seeking of Allah’s Bounty; Yet others fighting in Allah’s Cause. You recite, therefore, as much of the Quran as may be easy (for you); And establish regular prayer and give regular charity; And loan to Allah a beautiful loan. And whatever good you send forward for your souls, you shall find it in Allah’s Presence: Yes, better and greater, in reward. And you seek the Forgiveness of Allah: Verily, Allah is Often Forgiving (Ghafoor), Most Merciful (Raheem).