7إِنَّ عَذابَ رَبِّكَ لَواقِعٌAli UnalThe punishment of your Lord will certainly take place!1The Qur’ān draws attention to many important phenomena in the universe, human life, and history in order to emphasize the inevitable advent of the Last Day. In the same way as the creation of the universe, the changes and convulsions it has experienced, and the changes of the days, months, seasons, years, and centuries all bear witness to the coming of the Last Day, so, too, do the revealed Books throughout human history inform us of its decisive occurrence. Science also testifies to this (See Ali Ünal, The Resurrection and the Afterlife, 70–86). Therefore, by the Mount, the Qur’ān refers to both Mount Sinai, where the Prophet Moses, upon him be peace, received the Torah, and another mount, Mount an-Nūr, where Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, began to receive the Qur’ān. By the Books inscribed, it refers to the revealed Books of God, like the Torah and the Qur’ān. The Books inscribed may also signify the records of deeds where the deeds of human beings are recorded and which will be unrolled on Judgment Day. Bayt al-Ma’mūr refers both to the Ka’bah, which has continuously been visited by human beings and angels, and also its counterpart in the heavenly realm that is continuously visited and circumambulated by angels. It also refers to the revelation of the Qur’ān, in that according to some, the Qur’ān was first sent down on it in its entirety (See sūrah 44, note 1). The heaven will be rent asunder on the Last Day and all the seas or the mass of water on the earth will be made to boil over. So, all the phenomena referred to in these six verses allude to the Last Day; and because of this, the oaths sworn in them conclude with the declaration of its inevitable and already destined advent.