28 Preface هُوَ الَّذي أَرسَلَ رَسولَهُ بِالهُدىٰ وَدينِ الحَقِّ لِيُظهِرَهُ عَلَى الدّينِ كُلِّهِ ۚ وَكَفىٰ بِاللَّهِ شَهيدًاYusuf AliIt is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion: and enough is God for a Witness.1The divine disposition of events in the coming of Islam and its promulgation by the Prophet are themselves evidence of the truth of Islam and its all-reaching character; for there is nothing which it has not influenced. See also 61:9, n. 5442, and also 9:33.