19فَاعلَم أَنَّهُ لا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَاستَغفِر لِذَنبِكَ وَلِلمُؤمِنينَ وَالمُؤمِناتِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يَعلَمُ مُتَقَلَّبَكُم وَمَثواكُمMuhammad AsadKnow, then, [O man,] that there is no deity save God, and [while there is yet time,] ask forgiveness for thy sins and for [the sins of] all other believing men and women: for God knows all your comings and goings as well as your abiding [at rest].1I.e., "He knows all that you do and all that you fail to do".