19 Preface وَلِكُلٍّ دَرَجاتٌ مِمّا عَمِلوا ۖ وَلِيُوَفِّيَهُم أَعمالَهُم وَهُم لا يُظلَمونَYusuf AliAnd to all1 are (assigned) degrees according to the deeds which they (have done), and in order that (God) may recompense their deeds, and no injustice be done to them.There is fine grading in the spiritual Kingdom. Every deed, good or bad, is judged and weighed to the minutest degree, with its motives, intentions, results, and relevant circumstances. It is not a mere rough classification. The fruits of evil will be exactly according to the degree of evil. But, as stated in other passages (e.g., 28:84), the reward of good deeds will be far beyond their merits, on account of the Mercy and unbounded Bounty of God.