8يَسمَعُ آياتِ اللَّهِ تُتلىٰ عَلَيهِ ثُمَّ يُصِرُّ مُستَكبِرًا كَأَن لَم يَسمَعها ۖ فَبَشِّرهُ بِعَذابٍ أَليمٍAli UnalHe hears God’s Revelations recited to him, and yet he persists in unbelief haughtily, as if he had not heard them. So give him the glad tidings of a painful punishment.1Despite every thing and every phenomenon in the universe being a clear sign of God’s Existence, Oneness, Creativity, Lordship, and of His other Attributes, such as Power, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Will, despite the Qur’ān translating them to us in the most convincing way, and despite God’s Messenger and all other previous Prophets having clearly established this fact through their character and miracles, there are those who claim otherwise and insist on unbelief. This is the greatest of slanders and sins. Moreover, such a person easily falls into sin and, therefore, such a person earns a painful punishment.