49لا يَسأَمُ الإِنسانُ مِن دُعاءِ الخَيرِ وَإِن مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ فَيَئوسٌ قَنوطٌAli UnalHuman never tires of asking for (what he presumes is) his own good, but if evil befalls him, then he gives up all hope and loses heart.1This is typical of one who does not believe in God as the Creator of all good and evil, and in Divine Destiny. Since such persons concentrate on the worldly life in pursuit of its enjoyments, and attribute everything to their own knowledge and abilities according to the “law” of cause and effect, when they feel that there is no longer any means to attain something, they become utterly desperate. In contrast, a believer never loses hope because he or she believes that it is God Who also creates the means to attain something, and He can always create new means when one fails. Believers also know for certain that God is the Creator of all things, including good and evil, and that evil is an outcome of their own choices. So when they cannot attain something, they either think that they have made a mistake in trying to attain it, or that God does not will them to have it because it is not good for them to attain it.