This sūrah of 85 verses takes its name from verse 28 which mentions, from among the clan of the Pharaoh, a distinguished believer who supported the Prophet Moses, upon him be peace. The sūrah is also called al-Ghāfir (the All-Forgiving), the Divine Name mentioned in verse 3. It was revealed after Sūrat az-Zumar (the preceding sūrah), at a time when the Makkan polytheists increased their persecutions against the believers to the point that they were plotting to kill God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings. The sūrah reproaches them for their reaction, which was as harsh as the Pharaoh’s reaction to Moses, upon him be peace, and reminds both them and the believers of the fact that, however harsh and strong their reaction to the Divine Message might be, the triumph of the believers is inevitable. The sūrah also narrates at length how an important believer from among the clan of the Pharaoh, who had hidden his faith, appeared and supported Moses, upon him be peace, at a very critical point.
Ha. Mim.