24فَإِن يَصبِروا فَالنّارُ مَثوًى لَهُم ۖ وَإِن يَستَعتِبوا فَما هُم مِنَ المُعتَبينَMuhammad AsadAnd then, [even] if they endure [their lot] in patience, the fire will still be their abode;1 and if they pray to be allowed to make amends, they will not be allowed to do so:2Sc., "unless God wills to reprieve them": see the last paragraph of 6:128 and the corresponding note 114; also the hadith quoted in note 10 on 40:12.Lit., "they will not be of those who are allowed to make amends": an allusion to the request of the doomed, on the Day of Judgment, to be granted a "second chance" on earth, and to God's refusal of this request (cf. 6:27-28 and 32:12).