71 Preface أَوَلَم يَرَوا أَنّا خَلَقنا لَهُم مِمّا عَمِلَت أَيدينا أَنعامًا فَهُم لَها مالِكونَYusuf AliSee they not that it is We Who have created for them - among the things which Our hands have fashioned - cattle, which are under1 their dominion?-If they are blind to other Signs of God, they can at least see the simple homely things of life in which they receive so many benefits from God’s mercy. How is it that wild animals can be domesticated, and in domestication can be so useful to man? Man can use them for riding or for draught; he can use their flesh for food and drink their milk; he can use their hair or wool. Cf. 16:66, 80; and 23:21-22.