22وَما يَستَوِي الأَحياءُ وَلَا الأَمواتُ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُسمِعُ مَن يَشاءُ ۖ وَما أَنتَ بِمُسمِعٍ مَن فِي القُبورِAli UnalAnd nor are equal the living and the dead. Surely God makes hear whomever He wills; and you are not one to make hear those who are in the graves.1The comparisons in the verses 19-22 implicitly refer to the difference between faith and unbelief with their characteristics and consequences, and between the believers and unbelievers. Faith means seeing, insight, light, knowledge, and life or being alive; while unbelief is blindness, darkness with many depths, ignorance, and being dead. So, faith gives a believer serenity, tranquility, and peace of heart; while unbelief is the cause of stress, discontent, and unhappiness.