8 Preface أَفتَرىٰ عَلَى اللَّهِ كَذِبًا أَم بِهِ جِنَّةٌ ۗ بَلِ الَّذينَ لا يُؤمِنونَ بِالآخِرَةِ فِي العَذابِ وَالضَّلالِ البَعيدِYusuf Ali“Has he invented a falsehood against God, or has a spirit (seized) him?”-1 Nay, it is those who believe not in the Hereafter, that are in (real) Penalty, and in farthest error.The answer is: the Future Life is the truest of all Truths; so far is the man who teaches it from being demented, that it is those who deny it, that lack knowledge and are in real jeopardy for their souls; for they persecute Truth and must not only suffer defeat, but go farther and farther from Realities and thus suffer the worst hallucinations about the spiritual world.