42 Preface فَاليَومَ لا يَملِكُ بَعضُكُم لِبَعضٍ نَفعًا وَلا ضَرًّا وَنَقولُ لِلَّذينَ ظَلَموا ذوقوا عَذابَ النّارِ الَّتي كُنتُم بِها تُكَذِّبونَYusuf AliSo on that Day no power shall they have over each other, for profit or harm: and We shall say to the wrong-doers, “Taste ye the Penalty1 of the Fire,- the which ye were wont to deny!”The supposed “rivals” of God?the false things whereon men set their hopes and fears-will have no power whatever when true values are restored; and the Firethe Penalty-which they doubted or derided, will become the dominating thing in their experience (Cf. 35:13-14).