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Sura 30
Aya 9
أَوَلَم يَسيروا فِي الأَرضِ فَيَنظُروا كَيفَ كانَ عاقِبَةُ الَّذينَ مِن قَبلِهِم ۚ كانوا أَشَدَّ مِنهُم قُوَّةً وَأَثارُوا الأَرضَ وَعَمَروها أَكثَرَ مِمّا عَمَروها وَجاءَتهُم رُسُلُهُم بِالبَيِّناتِ ۖ فَما كانَ اللَّهُ لِيَظلِمَهُم وَلٰكِن كانوا أَنفُسَهُم يَظلِمونَ

Laleh Bakhtiar

Or journey they not through the earth and look on how had been the Ultimate End of those who were before them? They had been superior to them in strength. And they plowed the earth and frequented it more than they frequented it. And drew near them their Messengers with the clear portents. Then, it had not been God doing wrong to them, but they had been doing wrong to themselves.