28ضَرَبَ لَكُم مَثَلًا مِن أَنفُسِكُم ۖ هَل لَكُم مِن ما مَلَكَت أَيمانُكُم مِن شُرَكاءَ في ما رَزَقناكُم فَأَنتُم فيهِ سَواءٌ تَخافونَهُم كَخيفَتِكُم أَنفُسَكُم ۚ كَذٰلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآياتِ لِقَومٍ يَعقِلونَTalal ItaniHe illustrates an example for you, from your own selves: do you make your servants full partners in the wealth We have given you? Do you revere them as you revere one another? We thus explain the revelations for a people who understand.