13وَإِذا أُلقوا مِنها مَكانًا ضَيِّقًا مُقَرَّنينَ دَعَوا هُنالِكَ ثُبورًاMuhammad Asadand when they are flung, linked [all] together, into a tight space within, they will pray for extinction there and then!1For a tentative explanation of the allegory of the sinners' being "linked together" in hell, see my note 64 on 14:49. As regards the "tight space" into which they will be flung, Zamakhshari remarks: "Distress is accompanied by [a feeling of] constriction, just as happiness is accompanied by [a feeling of] spaciousness; and because of this, God has described paradise as being 'as vast as the heavens and the earth'[3:133]."