12إِذا رَأَتهُم مِن مَكانٍ بَعيدٍ سَمِعوا لَها تَغَيُّظًا وَزَفيرًاMuhammad Asadwhen it shall face them from afar,1 they will hear its angry roar and its hiss;Lit., "When it shall see them from a far-off place": a metaphorical allusion, it would seem, to the moment of their death on earth. As in many other instances, we are given here a subtle verbal hint of the allegorical nature of the Qur'anic descriptions of conditions in the life to come by a rhetoncal "transfer" of man's faculty of seeing to the oblect of his seeing: a usage which Zamakhshari explicitly characterizes as metaphorical ('ala' sabil al-majaz).