77 Preface وَلَقَد أَوحَينا إِلىٰ موسىٰ أَن أَسرِ بِعِبادي فَاضرِب لَهُم طَريقًا فِي البَحرِ يَبَسًا لا تَخافُ دَرَكًا وَلا تَخشىٰYusuf AliWe sent an inspiration1 to Moses: “Travel by night with My servants, and strike a dry path for them through the sea, without fear of being overtaken (by Pharaoh) and without (any other) fear.”Time passes and at last Moses is commanded to leave Egypt with his people by night. They were cross the Red Sea into the Sinai Peninsula. They were told to have no fear of Pharaoh or of the sea or of the unknown desert country of Sinai into which they were going. They crossed dry-shod, while Pharaoh, who came in pursuit with his troops, was overwhelmed by the sea. He and his men all perished. There is no emphasis on this episode here. But the emphasis is laid on the hard task which Moses had with his own people after he had delivered them from the Egyptian bondage.