47 Preface فَأتِياهُ فَقولا إِنّا رَسولا رَبِّكَ فَأَرسِل مَعَنا بَني إِسرائيلَ وَلا تُعَذِّبهُم ۖ قَد جِئناكَ بِآيَةٍ مِن رَبِّكَ ۖ وَالسَّلامُ عَلىٰ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ الهُدىٰYusuf Ali“So go ye both to him, and say, ###?Verily we are messengers sent by thy Lord: Send forth, therefore, the Children of Israel with us, and afflict them not:1 with a Sign, indeed, have we come from thy Lord! and peace to all who follow guidance!2The Children of Israel were subjected to all sorts of oppression and indignities. They were given hard tasks; their leaders were unjustly beaten; they were forced to make bricks without straw; and they “groaned in bondage” (Exod. 5:6-19, 6:5).God, in His infinite Mercy, always offers Peace to the most hardened sinners, even those who are warring against Him. But, as stated in the next verse, their defiance cannot go on with impunity indefinitely. The punishment must inevitably come for sin, whether the sinner is great or small.