42 Preface اذهَب أَنتَ وَأَخوكَ بِآياتي وَلا تَنِيا في ذِكرِيYusuf Ali“Go, thou and thy brother.1 With My Signs, and slacken not, either of you, in keeping Me in remembrance. We may suppose that Moses had fled alone to the land of Midian, and that he had now come alone (with his family but not with his brother) to Tuwa, as described in n. 2542 above. When he was honoured with his mission, and was granted his request that his brother Aaron should accompany him, we may suppose that he took steps to get Aaron to come to him, and their meeting was in Tuwa. Some time may be supposed to have elapsed before they were in Egypt, and then they prayed, and received these directions in their Egyptian home. Aaron was either an elder or a younger brother?we are not told which. In either case he was born when the ban on Israelite new-born babes was not in operation. Moses had been out of touch with him, and it speaks greatly for his family affection that he remembered him and prayed for his comradeship in the most serious spiritual work of his life.