38 Preface إِذ أَوحَينا إِلىٰ أُمِّكَ ما يوحىٰYusuf Ali“Behold! We sent1 to thy mother, by inspiration, the message:The story is not told, but only those salient points recapitulated which bear on the spiritual upbringing” and work of Moses. Long after the age of Joseph, who had been a Wazir to one of the kings, there came on the throne of Egypt a Pharaoh who hated the Israelites and wanted them annihilated. He ordered Israelite male children to be killed when they were born. Moses’s mother hid him for a time, but when further concealment was impossible, a thought crossed her mind that she should put her child into a chest and send the chest floating down the Nile. This was not merely a foolish fancy of hers. It was God’s Plan to bring up Moses in all the learning of the Egyptians, in order that that learning itself should be used to expose what was wrong in it and to advance the glory of God. The chest was floated into the river Nile. It flowed on into a stream that passed through Pharaoh’s Garden, It was picked up by Pharaoh’s people and the child was adopted by Pharaoh’s wife. See 28:4-13.