16 Preface وَاذكُر فِي الكِتابِ مَريَمَ إِذِ انتَبَذَت مِن أَهلِها مَكانًا شَرقِيًّاYusuf AliRelate in the Book (the story of) Mary,1 when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East.2Cf. the story of Mary as related in 3:42-51. Here the whole theme is different: it is the personal side of the spiritual experiences of the worshippers of God in relation to their families or environment.To a private eastern chamber, perhaps in the Temple. She went into privacy, from her people and from people in general, for prayer and devotion. It was in this state of purity that the angel appeared to her in the shape of a man. She thought it was man. She was frightened, and adjured him not to invade her privacy.