91كَذٰلِكَ وَقَد أَحَطنا بِما لَدَيهِ خُبرًاMuhammad Asadthus [We had made them, and thus he left them1]; and We did encompass with Our knowledge all that he had in mind.2This is Razi's interpretation of the isolated expression kadhalika ("thus" or "thus it was") occurring here. It obviously relates to the primitive, natural state of those people who needed no clothes to protect them from the sun, and to the (implied) fact that Dhu'l-Qarnayn left them as he had found them, being mindful not to upset their mode of life and thus to cause them misery.Lit., "all that was with him" - i.e., his resolve not to "corrupt [or "change"] God's creation" (cf. the second half of my note 141 on 4:119) - which, I believe, is a further ethical lesson to be derived from this parable.