25وَلَبِثوا في كَهفِهِم ثَلاثَ مِائَةٍ سِنينَ وَازدادوا تِسعًاMuhammad AsadAND [some people assert], "They remained in their cave three hundred years"; and some have added nine [to that number].1This obviously connects with the "idle guesses" mentioned in the first paragraph of verse 22 above - guesses refuted by the subsequent statements, "My Sustainer knows best how many they were" in verse 22, and "God knows best how long they remained [there]" in verse 26. This was, in particular, the view of 'Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud, whose copy of the Qur'an is said to have contained the words, "And they [i.e., some people] said, 'They remained...'," etc. (which was probably a marginal, explanatory remark added by Ibn Mas'ud), as well as of Qatadah and of Matar al-Warraq (Tabari, Zamakhshari and Ibn Kathir). My interpolation, at the beginning of the verse, of the words "some people asserted" is based on the word qalu ("they said") used by Ibn Mas'ud in his marginal note.