42 Preface قُل لَو كانَ مَعَهُ آلِهَةٌ كَما يَقولونَ إِذًا لَابتَغَوا إِلىٰ ذِي العَرشِ سَبيلًاYusuf AliSay: If there had been (other) gods with Him, as they say,- behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne!1There is only One True God. But if, as polytheists say, there had been subsidiary gods, they would yet have had to go to the Throne of the Supreme God, for they could have done nothing without Him. Thus the Islamic idea of the unity of the Godhead is quite different from the polytheistic ideas of a supreme god, as in the Greek Pantheon, where Jupiter was often defied by the minor deities! But such ideas are absurd, as stated in the next verse (Cf. 21:21-22 and 23- 91).