78 Preface وَاللَّهُ أَخرَجَكُم مِن بُطونِ أُمَّهاتِكُم لا تَعلَمونَ شَيئًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمعَ وَالأَبصارَ وَالأَفئِدَةَ ۙ لَعَلَّكُم تَشكُرونَYusuf AliIt is He Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections:1 that ye may give thanks (to God).Literally, 'hearts,' are considered the centres of the affections, and in Arabic idiom, of intelligence also. We should therefore give thanks to God, not to imaginary deities or powers or forces.