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Sura 15
Aya 1

Chapter 15

Ḥijral-Ḥijr ( الحجر )

99 verses • revealed at Meccan

»The surah that mentions the ancient and might people of Thamūd that lived in a place or region named Ḥijr, and whom God destroyed because they belied with extreme prejudice His miraculous signs and messengers. It takes its name from Ḥijr (mentioned in verse 80). The people of Thamūd are an example of the many who disbelieved and rejected their prophets. Each has its own time for punishment so the Prophet should bear patiently, not grieve over what the disbelievers say, and continue with his worship.«

The surah is also known as Stoneland, The Rocky Tract, The Stone Valley

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

Yusuf Ali: In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

الر ۚ تِلكَ آياتُ الكِتابِ وَقُرآنٍ مُبينٍ

Yusuf Ali

A. L. R.1 These are the Ayat2 of Revelation,- of a Qur?###an that makes things clear.3
  • For these mystic letters, see Introduction to Sūra 10.
  • Cf. 10:1. and n. 1382.
  • Note how appropriately the different phrases in which the Qur-ān is characterised bring out its different aspects as a Revelation. Let us just consider the phrases used at the beginning of the six Alif, Lam, Mim Sūras of which this is the last in order of arrangement. In 10:1 we read, “Ay at (or verses or Signs) of the Book of Wisdom”, the theme being the wonders of God’s creation, and its relation to His Revelation. In 11:1 we read, “a Book, with verses basic or fundamental, further explained in detail”: the theme is God’s Justice and Punishment, to preserve the fundamental scheme of His Laws. In 12:1 we read, “The Symbols (or verses) of the Perspicuous Book”: the wonderful unfolding of God’s Plan is explained in Joseph’s story. In 13:1 we read, “The Signs (or verses) of the Book”: the contrasts in the modes of God’s Revelation and its reception by man are pointed out, but not illustrated by detailed examples as in Joseph’s perspicuous story. In 14:1 we read “A Book . . . revealed ... to lead ... out of... darkness into light”: the theme being Abraham’s prayer for man to be rescued from the darkness of false worship into the light of Unity. Here in 15:1 we read, “Ayat (or verses) of Revelation-of a Qur-ān that makes things clear (or perspicuous)”: the theme being an explanation of evil, and how God’s Truth is protected from it.