75۞ ضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا عَبدًا مَملوكًا لا يَقدِرُ عَلىٰ شَيءٍ وَمَن رَزَقناهُ مِنّا رِزقًا حَسَنًا فَهُوَ يُنفِقُ مِنهُ سِرًّا وَجَهرًا ۖ هَل يَستَوونَ ۚ الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ ۚ بَل أَكثَرُهُم لا يَعلَمونَE. H. PalmerGod has struck out a parable; an owned slave, able to do nothing; and one whom we have provided with a good provision, and who expends therefrom in alms secretly and openly:- shall they be held equal?- Praise be to God, most of them do not know!