1سُبحانَ الَّذي أَسرىٰ بِعَبدِهِ لَيلًا مِنَ المَسجِدِ الحَرامِ إِلَى المَسجِدِ الأَقصَى الَّذي بارَكنا حَولَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِن آياتِنا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّميعُ البَصيرُE. H. PalmerCelebrated be the praises of Him who took His servant a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque, to the Remote Mosque, the precinct of which we have blessed, to show him of our signs! verily, He both hears and looks.